Saturday 21 December 2013


There are few things that the opposite sex don’t know about the females, below are some of it;

SOMETIMES, GIRLS MEAN OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY SAY: Girls being complicated beings, sometimes they don’t mean what they say, a girl would tell you am okay, when she is definitely not , as a guy you should know she is expecting you to continue asking, girls can be very emotional and fragile that asking a question just once is not enough to show you care, when you ask a girl the question, how are you and she says am fine when she is obviously not, and you don’t push further, you might not be caring enough as far as she is concerned, also when it comes to buying things for a lady, at first, most ladies would say I am OK, I don’t want to eat for now ,this can happen maybe when she comes to pay a visit or on a first date, also, when you get her a gift and she rejects it, this usually happens when you and a lady are out on your first date, or you are getting her a gift for the first time, that doesn’t mean your next outing you should not order for anything, or ask her what she needs, the lady is just probably creating a good first impression!


CHANGES DURING MENSTRUAL FLOW: There are so  many changes that occurs during a girl’s menstrual flow, there are certain hormones associated with menstrual flow, even ladies can be ignorant of  such changes in themselves, only few knows that the way they act at some point is influenced by these hormones, in some relationships where the guy is in the medical line would understand this better, these changes can cause unnecessary aggressiveness, anger, moodiness and the likes, this sudden change of character could cause disagreement among couples, when you are aware of these things, you would know the cause of mood swings in ladies at some point. 


FEMALES WANT A GUY OTHER LADIES WANT; This might sound strange, but it is true, though most girls are jealous, but when the person you are about to date doesn’t attract anything except mosquitoes then, there is a problem, this is because questionable thoughts would come to a lady’s mind, the lady would think probably he has a disease, or doesn’t know how to relate with girls or even impotent, especially if the guy is quite old, girls want a man who knows fully well what a girl wants, who has heard close rapport with other ladies, not necessarily through dating , the fact is that  most girls don’t want to be used as an experiment,  they want experienced guys, I have seen cases of a guy of 29, who never had a girlfriend, because he is  shy, at the end he finally voiced out to one girl, and he couldn’t communicate  with the girl in a matured manner, he doesn’t know what to talk about on phone, who wants a guy who would call and at a point it becomes silent, who wants a guy you would begin a chat with hi, and end with k??? no body!, even guys don’t want such ladies. A good communication skill is very important

LADIES WANT A GUY THEY CAN BE PROUD OF: Every lady  wants  a guy who they can be proud to call their own in public, a guy who is sound and has purpose, a bright future and hardworking spirit. A lady wants a guy, that when she is with her friends, she can talk about what her boyfriend can do and has achieved, this is not really about money, it is about that special thing a guy  is good at, for example if he is a footballer, writer , singer and so on, a guy they can tell their friends, my boyfriend did that, that’s my boyfriend on stage, that’s whizkid on stage, lol, winks


LADIES WANT A GUY WHO KNOWS WHEN TO CARE AND GIVE SPACE: As I said earlier, females are complex beings, they expect you to know what they are not saying,  as a guy you should know when to give your girl space, and you should know when to show love and care, none of the two should be done in excess, we all know excess of everything is bad, I have seen many situations when a guy would say, what on earth does a girl want, I care for her, I show her love, what else, you want to know what else?? Have you tried giving her space?? Some guys are so obsessed and over protective, this is not necessarily a display of love, seriously it can be annoying, yeah! Yeah! It good to show care , It is very okay to call, but doing that can make a lady uncomfortable., and create the believe of lack of trust, it is not only care that strengthens a relationship, a little space also does, there are many other things going on in a girl’s mind than the relationship between you two, also you tend to lose your respect, the fact is at a point they can get tired of  hearing your voice, but just try it out, give a girl who  is already taking you for granted her space and you would see the difference, she is the one that would pick up the phone and call to ask,’ are we fighting?’, am sure many guys have had such experience, females are really strange, lol,  let me tell you a secret, reverse psychology goes a long way in getting to know more about  ladies.

LADIES WANT A MATURED AND DISCIPLINED GUY: Every lady wants a disciplined and matured guy, a guy who can make decisions and not go back on his words, the  act of responsibility and discipline would go a long way in creating a good picture of yourself as a guy, as people say, girls overthink and guys don’t think at all, the little information a girl find out about you goes a long way, any little mistake, what comes to a girls mind is, ‘is this the guy I would date?, not to talk of marry?, a guy who can’t make sound and reasonable decision, how would he manage the house’, this might be the first day of meeting with the girl, meanwhile you don’t know how far she has gone rating you in her mind, just like men want wife material, so does the lady knows WHAT SHE IS LOOKING FOR IN IN HER FUTURE HUSBAND.


LADIES WANT A GUY THAT CAN PROTECT THEM; a lady wants a guy that can protect her, this is one of the reasons ladies go for men with fierce physique, but this is not just about the physique, a lady wants a guy who is mentally strong, someone she can count on when she is emotionally down, and not a guy who is already an emotional wreck.

LADIES LIKE FUNNY GUYS; You might not notice, funny guys have their way around girls, be it ugly or fine, the fact that you have a good sense of humour ladies would naturally like you, this is because of how emotional ladies can be, they want a guy who they would never have a dull moment when they are with him, there are cases of  married women who married their husband  because he makes them laugh, I strongly believe in this expression that says, don’t give the chance to make another man make your lady laugh, as soon as your  woman/ lady finds you boring and there is a man giving her a reason to laugh, ‘ a real gobe is about to start’

 LADIES WANT A GUY THAT TAKES CARE OF HIS LOOKS:  Lastly, a lady wants a man who takes care of his looks, the way you are dressed will determine how you would be addressed any day, any time, no lady wants to go on a group date with a man who is not presentable, this is not about being fine, there is something we call ‘packaging’, you should have a good carriage that even the so called handsome guys would look at you and appreciate you. As a guy, neatness is very important, use of nice perfumes can give a very nice first impression.

As we can see I didn’t mention anything about money or great looks, this is to show you that there are far other things ladies look for in men, this mentality that if I have money I can get any girl is not totally right, may be you are right, but the question is, can your money keep the relationship??, As for you,  Mr handsome, some ladies have discovered  early  enough that in years to come, swags and looks won’t pay the bills and put food on the table, it what you can offer, what you can add to a lady that matters the most and not the looks! There are cases of rich and handsome men who lose their spouse to less rich and handsome men, now, I guess you know why, I am not saying that looks and money don’t matter, sure they do, but there are other things to work on as a guy to be a perfect spouse than your looks and money.


  1. Quiet an impressive article, I could not agree less. Keep it up Taiwo. But one question, do ladies enjoy being complex and complicated?

  2. lol! Tanks firstly, 2ndly we dont,i think its how we were created,hormones,chemical make up and the likes made us this way, I AM PROUD TO BE A GIRL though! Lol

  3. as i was goin thru d article, dz questn struck my mind(like lightening)- "R these things general?"
    Itz obvious somma dem r! But some,m not sure! Did u make any research(prolly frm frnds)?

  4. Not a research persay,but i have friends and family who have being in those situations before,that's why i gave instances,it's nt applicable for everyone,but it's 80% know we all are not the same,we all have our differences that can b linked to a person's environment and background, but generally,GIRLS WOULD ALWAYS BE GIRLS! I hope i have answered your question?#tonge fully out#

  5. 80% is pretty much...I fink dtz enuff reason to generalise it.
    Thnk God u said *tonge fully out* ...well,i got my *tongue fully out* here too..U knw wat they say; He who *tongues out* last *tongues out* the best!!! *evil grin*

  6. also,u got a boyfrnd??? Cuz I notice most pple who give r/ship advice r usu single.. Hehehe! *covers face*

  7. U dont expect me to state that here,lol, giving such advice z nt based on the relationship status, t more of experience an what u discover around u#cuts off my tongue# lol
