Tuesday 17 December 2013


A feeling that stings the soul,  shrinks the face, and gets the muscle worked up, sometimes I wonder where this feeling of anger comes from, is it from the heart?, or the brain?, or its just reflex. This same issue of anger had, is having and would always have a negative effect, but I really don’t think there is anything positive about anger. Just like a disease, anger takes longer time in some, than others, this makes the effect to vary among people. There are various reasons why people get angry, the earlier you discover the reason of your anger the higher the chances of maintaining it


One of the reasons why people get angry, is lack of self esteem,  a person with a low self esteem would see the negative side of anything being said, a funny joke can lead to something big with somebody with a low self esteem, because they think negatively of themselves, so they capitalize on what others say, also, the reason for anger could be the feeling of inadequacy, for example, an illiterate among many scholars, if the illiterate finds it difficult to understand what is being discussed by the scholars, he might get unnecessarily angry, thinking that the scholars are insulting him, the feeling of anger is common among the melancholy type of temperament, this is because the melancholy usually have mood swings that they can’t control themselves, if you just try to be too nice , funny or cheerful to a melancholy, especially when she is down, emotionally, she might not find your jokes funny at that time, and from there he\ she gets angry.


Anger, might not really be a bad thing if we are patient and we don’t talk, or act immediately or during the time we are angry, this is because, what is said most times can’t be retrieved, there are so many damages caused by anger.


Health wise, Anger increases the stress level in the body, we stress certain muscles when we are angry, when this stress level has reached its peak, it leads to diseases like, hypertension, stoke, and even death.

Also, when you get angry over what someone told you, you have simply taken responsibility for their stupidity (AKINGBADE IBIKUNLE TOLD ME THAT). Then I thought of it, should I have headache over something unreasonable, since what is being said is usually false. Also you have shown the person your weak point, from there, you have given the person the control over your emotions, he/she can decide to just get you angry anytime, since he/she knows what and how to say something that would make you flare up almost immediately,

Also, anger destroy relationships that could have lasted for decades, when you get angry, most of the times, you have probably misquoted the other person, I remember an instance when a friend of mine(Adebayo Olayinka) and I had a misunderstanding, I wasn’t in a good mood that day though, and we sort of argued about blogging, so at a point he said, “go and search for blogging  with blogger for dummies on Google” what came to my mind was, “so, you are trying to call me a dummy??,what nonsense” my finger was already on the remove button to remove him from my list, but something stopped me, then this came to my mind, “what if I need his help for something and he is the only one that can offer a solution, let me just leave him for future sake, mtcheewm, I won’t bother chatting with him” I didn’t for a second find out the meaning of what the guy said, after few minutes he sent a text “ are you angry??, blogging for dummies is to guide new bloggers” DAMN!!,after calling the guy several names, I was shocked and angry “ all these oyinbo sef, see the name they gave the stuff”, I dint know how to reply the guy, but at the end, we settled it, BUT I LEARNT SOMETHING,

This is what I learnt, anger can make you loose life time opportunities, friends, family, loved ones, because of something that is not an issue at all, to some, they have found out the truth, but they can’t bring themselves to apologize for misquoting the other person. NOW, THINK ABOUT IT, DO YOU THINK ITS RATIONAL TO LOOSE A FRIEND BECAUSE YOU HAVE ANGER MANAGEMENT  ISSUES, OR DOES IT WORTH IT FOR YOUR HEALTH TO BE AT RISK BECAUSE OF ANGER??, ARE YOU READY TO LET GO OF A RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE OF ANGER??? THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU GET ANGRY!!!


  1. This is a good piece. U're also very good @ remembering names and issues. I'm happy that Ibikunle(accounting, part 3, oau) is a good influence on u. Keep it up, dear. U're aiidy climbing to the rung of the blogging ladder. Afolabi Bret, oau 2go-room.

  2. Aaawn#blushing green#..thanks a bunch.bless you

  3. I support dat too kp it up deariee

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