Tuesday 17 December 2013




ou might be wondering where am heading to….”HYPE KEH” is what comes to mind. Yeah…if  I don’t hype myself, who will???? We all know the answer…but am not writing about dettol here! lol.. Am just trying to bring out a point. THAT BRINGS ME TO THE TOPIC, SELF ESTEEM.

SELF ESTEEM is a feeling of been happy with your own abilities .This is a topic common to all and sundry, its something we hear around.

There are 2 types of self esteem, we have the HIGH AND LOW SELF ESTEEM. I would say I fall under the category of the low self esteem. Hmmmmmm. Lets check out the 2 types.

HIGH SELF ESTEEM is a great feeling of happiness with your own abilities and character with the believe that you are perfect, never wrong and having the ability to see ourselves better than others even when they are doing better than we are. The people in this category are mostly choleric and sometimes sanguine. These category of people are less concerned about what you think or say about them. These are people who would use a Nokia 3310 and be confident to argue that their phone is better and of more advantage than an Ipad. surprised???? .this is to show how confident they are, believe you me sincerely, if you aren’t careful enough, you would buy their idea. It is very good to have a good self esteem because you would hardly see them brooding or worrying about what someone says because they care LESS, but they are good in hyping themselves, this is where I got my heading, now u understand that this isn’t a dettol advert .They are usually happy even though they have nothing, In the way they walk and talk, you would know this is not a person I can talk to just any  how, they have got the right “PACKAGING”, as we call it, that is CONFIDENCE!  There are some disadvantages of being in this category YEAH! I know the people in this category just rolled their eyes, lol. I caught you!

People in this category have higher tendencies of not moving forward because they don’t usually read meanings to things because they have a nonchalant attitude, therefore they over look things that could have given them direction in life, the moral lesson here is that NO MATTER HOW SILLY AN ADVISE CAN BE, IT CAN BE USEFUL AT A POINT IN YOUR LIFE. Another disadvantage is that, they tend to hurt the feelings of others unknowingly. Just cause you don’t want to look like a looser doesn’t mean you should make others look stupid. People in this category are less emotional and they don’t usually think of the effect of their words on others. who are the OTHERS am referring to??? That brings us to the 2nd type of self esteem.


LOW SELF ESTEEM. This is a very broad topic, I would say its like a deadly disease that you wouldn’t know you are infected with until you are diagnosed, it like a bug that stings. LOW SELF ESTEEM CAN KILL, YES! If its not curbed.

Low self esteem is a feeling of unhappiness with your own abilities and personality, to the extent of allowing the way others see you to determine the way YOU see yourself.

The unfortunate thing is that some don’t even know what a low self esteem is, some have the feeling that they are the only ones going through unnecessary sadness every time, some even think its spiritual,..isnt this ridiculous??? This is what causes suicide in many teens and young adults, as a teen and young adult, so many things are involved, that stage of your life, so many things are going on within you psychologically that you don’t even know of, let me tell you a fact, you are not in this alone, so many people have this “esteem disease”, but no one would tell you, I have a low self esteem, even your best friend.. The first point I want to make is that YOU ARE NOT IN THIS ALONE , most people have this mentality that nobody understands them, “its not something I can share”, then you go ahead to commit suicide, I tell you, that’s the dumbest thing you can ever think of. It is just like committing suicide because you have malaria, because the “esteem disease” is in most people, don’t be surprised that celebrities have this disease. The phlegmatic and the melancholy fall into this category.

There are several ways to know you have this “esteem disease”, as a girl or a lady, you look at the mirror carefully and you are happy with what you see, then on stepping out of your apartment, you meet a friend, in she says, ”Tania!!!, what have you done to yourself???, you look so fat, don’t you exercise at all??”, you know how those lousy friends can be, them immediately your mood changed throughout the whole day. You got to your place of work and u started digesting what you heard earlier, “hmmmm, maybe have actually added weight. Maybe that is why soji broke up with me, maybe I hate a lot of junks last month”, just imagine the things Tania thought of because of what her friend said, that is the “disease” for you, people in this category over-think, they read meaning to each word you tell them, the funny thing is, they hardly believe the sweet things said to them, as I stated earlier, what other people think of them, goes a loooooonnngggggg way. Unlike Tania, a high self esteem lady would have said something like this; “oh! It’s a sign of good living, lol, cant you see am fresher than you are, you better start eating right” you see for yourself the difference between the 2 ladies, what tanisa was brooding over is what another lady took as a joke and even heard the opportunity to advise the friend..you see, its your mentality that matters, you should be able to bring out positivism from negativism. This is a fact, YOU CAN CONTROL WHAT PEOPLE SAY, BUT YOU CAN CONTROL THE WAY YOU TAKE THINGS PEOPLE SAY, Definitely you cant hold your friend”s mouth or prevent him or her from talking, so the solution to the disease is THE RIGHT MIND.

Also, if you are the type that takes all advice, you might be suffering from the DISEASE. This is because, you should be able to think on your own and decide which advice to take, if not, that means you are letting others take decisions for you because you are afraid of FAILURE, the fear of failure is another way to know if you have the esteem disease.

Low self esteem can be linked to certain things;

It might be the type of family you were raised, maybe it’s a type of family who believes you are a failure when you get less than 100%. The children of a perfectionist usually have a low self esteem.

Likewise, if you are born into a family who do not always encourage or praise their wards for the little things they do right, then you might have the belief that you have never done anything right, all these go a long way in the life of children. I don’t want to believe the esteem disease is hereditary. SO PLEASE PARENTS, INCULCATE THE HABIT OF ENCOURAGING YOUR WARDS FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR FUTURE.


                                                     BY; SOTUNDE TAIWO.




  1. I guess M in d middle... #Yippee!!!!!

  2. lol,good for you,thats d best, but how am i xo sure u telling d truth*winks*

  3. it really doesnt matter if u trust me or not...Yorubas wld say *Eni meji kii padanu iro, bi eni ti won pa fun ko bamo, eni ton paro mo pero lohun pa* ...I sincerely hope U're able to decipher dt.. *rme*

  4. Ok o,yeah i got that..i believe u ö

  5. is there anytn like average esteem then

  6. I really don't think there is, what is most important is curbing d bad aspect of each type and try to be balanced,you have 2 work on yourself,no one is perfect!
