Tuesday 31 December 2013



LOL, I want to use this medium to thank those people who take their time to read my blog posts and comment, and those who are not able to comment but ever supportive, the likes of mike, akin, bret, Patrick, alade, tomi, LP, jowill, IBK, and lots more, for your words of encouragement, you are a blessing, THANKS!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Most times I wonder why people use illicit drugs, but if you ask those who use these drugs, they always have one thing or the other to say about its advantages, generally drugs are used for the benefit of the people, but only an individual can determine where the use of drugs end, and when such individual begins to abuse the drugs. According to the medical encyclopedia, it defines drug abuse as the use of illicit drugs or the abuse of prescription or over the counter drugs for purposes other than those for which they are indicated or in the manner or in quantities other than directed. Examples of illicit drugs are, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, ketamine, anabolic steroids, etc.

But why do people use these drugs, there are different excuses people give for taking these drugs, some just want to try it, like some people would say, the first cigarette or alcohol or drugs a person takes was not bought by him, some just want to know what the feeling is like, and as they say, the rest is history, from there they get addicted.

Some use drugs because they hate themselves or their lives, some people, when they are in a difficult situation, they start using drugs so that they won’t feel the pressure around them. Some would say they get their inspiration for singing from these drugs.

Some use drugs to make them feel cool among friends, this is one of the major reasons people use drugs, they just want to feel ‘among’, they don’t want to be amidst a group of people and they are the only ones not doing what others are doing. Also, people use drugs to ease tension or the pain that they are going through,

Obviously, they are good reasons for the people who use them,but is the harmful effect of drugs not far beyond its benefits? Let’s take these so called advantages one after the other. Firstly, drug isn’t something you use to reduce pain or tension, research has made us discover that drugs such as crack cocaine and many others, increases level of the neurotransmitter dopamine which is associated with pleasure, meanwhile the pleasant result wears off easily causing them to feel more depressed than they already were.

Also, for those who use drugs before they can sing, this is strange because singing should be a talent, it’s something that should come naturally, using drug before you can write a song simply means you are just forcing yourself to compose, it’s better to think of something sensible on your own, this is one of the reasons why most singers just sing nonsense and spice it up with beats. They effect of drug won’t bring out anything that would benefit the soul definitely.  

This is very common among Nigerians, most of all the bad things that happens in Nigeria are imitation from the whites, meanwhile, we fail to imitate the right things, instead we are very good at imitating the wrong things, this also happens among friends, as we all know that evil communication corrupt good manners, some people are dead now because of what they imitated from friends, what others do should not influence what you do, you don’t know why your friend is using drug or smoking, you don’t know if he has issues and he thinks using drug is the best solution, but because you don’t want to be left out in the fun, you joined him, when you are perfectly alright, from there you create a problem for yourself.

The risk associated with these drugs are numerous, use of these drugs can cause your blood to constrict, increasing your blood pressure and temperature, coughing, bleeding, the use these drugs can cause shortness of breath, to mention a few, psychologically it causes aggressiveness, the risk of sudden death is greater when combined with alcohol.

When people take these drugs at a tender age, they might not feel the effect, these drugs have long term effect which would be made manifest in the future, the long term effects of cocaine and other illicit drugs is that, it stimulates your brain and changes the way it works, teaching you to repeat the same behaviour i.e the use of such drugs, this is why these drugs are addictive, same with cigarette and alcohol, they stimulates the brain, what most people call ‘high’, sure you would feel high, but psychologically, the way and manner you think and act changes gradually, higher dosage of these drugs causes anxiety and irritability, it can lead to paranoid psychosis, this is the reason some people are now on the street picking up dirt, they have gone crazy because they wanted to feel cool among friends, the powerful thing about it , is that, even after being insane, they still go to any length to buy these drugs, they are so addicted that, ‘only death can do them part’, the use of these drugs can make you manic, and depressed, most of the people who commit suicide did it because they used drugs, why not think about it, if these drugs makes you totally depressed in the long run, then why do I need it to reduce depression. Same thing with alcohol, when you are very much drunk, you won’t remember your pains or anxiety, but after the effect of alcohol fades, WHAT NEXT?? Your problems are still there, still fresh as it was, think about it, while you were drunk, what if you had an accident, besides, what if you do something that would compound the problem. The pleasant effect of these things are just for a few moment, why not look for a lasting solution to your problems, instead of shying away from it, because your problems are still around, anyways. Sure, when you use these drugs, you do weird things you wouldn’t have done on a normal day, why not think of how to overcome the challenge, instead of using drugs to help you do what you don’t have the guts to do, you would be proud of doing things naturally on your own, than those things you did while you were drunk or high, the fact is YOU WEREN’T THE ONE DOING THEM.

People argue that marijuana and the other kinds of drugs, is not as addictive as the harder drugs, and it has benefits, but research has shown us that, it may have more harmful physical, mental, and psycho motor effects, i.e, it can be addictive, marijuana causes impaired learning memory, heroin causes slowed breathing, anabolic steroids causes blood clothing and cholesterol changes, and lots more, cigarette and even coffee can all be used to harmful excess. This is because coffee would make you stay awake for very long hours than normal, depriving you of your sleep, at the long run it leads to headache, and there are instances whereby you take coffee to stay awake to read for an exam, and when you get to the exam hall, you can’t remember anything, including what you read before taking the coffee.

Most people justify what they are doing by saying, at least I just take two bottles per day, just a packet of cigarette, but this is where it all started, those that are roaming the street right now never knew they would become mad, or would have cancer or heart disease, they probably stared from a bottle, to two, and it goes on and on, they also puffed cigarette once a week, if you keep justifying yourself that you take it moderately, you wouldn’t know when you become addicted, the effect is a gradual process, and before you know it, it’s like food you can’t live without, also, when you take these drugs normally, and a time comes when you have problem, what comes to your mind is to buy alcohol, or cigarette, or drugs, because you know its effect, that it would ease the pressure on you, from there, you just want to take as many as possible, just for the problem to disappear that very moment, these is when you start getting addicted, when you think it’s the only way out to any problem or stress you are facing, I would like to let you know that, the easiest and most peaceful way to solve a problem is through natural means, see a psychologist, pray, face the problem with courage, believe in yourself, don’t follow the crowd, it might take time but it definitely worth it, the friend you are imitating, you don’t know how strong his immunity is, and no matter how strong it is, his life span is being reduced bit by bit, there are people who are dead, who are insane today at a very young age because of what they have done during their youth, people who never lived to fulfil their destiny. You sure don’t want to jeopardise your future because of youthful exuberance . if you are addicted , my advice for you is to seek help, don’t wait until you are picking up papers on the street or when you are on the sickbed, to those who haven’t started , DON’T TRY IT, TO THOSE WHO HAVE, STOP IT!!!

This is a piece of my mind to the Nigerian youth, YOUR FUTURE WORTH MORE THAN PLEASURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   




Most people enter into a relationship for the wrong reasons, this is one of the reasons there are break ups here and there, the following are the examples of things that shouldn’t be your reason for entering a relationship.

YOU SHOULDN’T GO INTO A RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE YOU ARE LONELY; this is very common among females. Just because you need a companion doesn’t mean you should start searching for a partner, if you are lonely, get a FRIEND, how would you feel if your partner tells you that I only dated you then because I was lonely, excuse me, your partner is also human and he needs someone, if your main reason for dating a guy/girl is just for him/her to keep you company, then you would expect too much from him or her, any little distance between you two would freak you out, and when your partner has fulfilled his/her purpose, you get tired of him or her, and you dump such a person, because, sooner or later he/she would get boring, and the truth is you never loved him or her, solve your loneliness problem THROUGH A FRIEND, NOT A BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND, from there, you confuse like with love.

YOU SHOULDN’T GO INTO A RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE YOU ARE UNHAPPY; my dear, no one can make you happy except you, I mean true happiness, happiness comes from within, nobody wants to date an emotional wreck, GET OVER YOURSELF, your partner is not supposed to be a comic relieve for you, or a clown, if you are depressed and you enter a relationship to be happy, you would only frustrate your partner, because, he would be the one giving, and you, at the receiving end always, a relationship takes two, it should be mutual,  make yourself happy, your happiness shouldn’t depend on ANYONE. This is one of the reasons why people get obsessed with their partners, and it looks like they can’t do without them when they become an ex.

YOU SHOULDN’T ENTER INTO A RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE YOU DON’T HAVE SELF CONTROL; this is common among guys, the girl thinks she has found the love of her life, and on the other hand, the guy just wants sex. if you have a problem with your sexual issues, it’s best you see a psychologist, your partner is not a prostitute or a gigolo, what you have in mind as the reason for going into a relationship, goes a long way in determining how you would act towards your partner, since love was never intended, you would treat your spouse like a whore or gigolo, in the long run, he or she would discover what’s going on, if your partner can’t offer you anything except sex, who is never there for you emotionally and psychologically, and he is just there when it comes to opening your laps, then you know something is wrong, this is one of  the reasons for infidelity if you have a problem with your sexual issues, honestly, your partner alone might not be able to solve it, except he/she is fully aware of such a problem,. And until you learn to solve the problem yourself, you might never be a faithful partner, this happens in marriages to, there are instances where the wife says her husband treats her like a whore in bed, even during sex, love and care should be present, ITS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU, AND YOU, AND YOU AND YOU!!!

YOU SHOULDN’T GO INTO A RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU WOULD GAIN; this is common among girls, the earlier you know that a relationship is not a business venture, the better for you. Financially, your partner can support you, and that’s if he or she wants to, and no matter how small, APPRECIATE IT!!, THE BITTER TRUTH IS, HE IS NOT YET YOUR HUSBAND! , even husbands don’t cater for all the financial needs of their wives, so why would you enter a relationship because of what you would get, excuse me, if you need money, START SAVING!!!!!, YOUR PARTNER IS NOT A BANK. And who says this is one sided, if you can expect so much from a guy,. What’s stopping you from giving him so much too. Well, I support the fact that, some ladies would say, I can’t date a stingy guy, sure, a guy must know his responsibility, it’s even in the bible, BUT AS A LADY, BE AN HELPER, NOT A LUGGAGE, IT WOULD GO A LONG WAY IN EARNING RESPECT!!!!

DON’T DATE BASED ON LOOKS: This is common in both male and female, nobody wants an ugly person for a partner, some even choose their friends based on looks, what comes to my mind is, ‘then who would date the ugly ones’, because personally, am not an exception, “ who no like good thing ooo” lol, the truth is everyone is beautiful, just in different ways, and as the saying goes, “ beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” what I consider as beauty might be a pointed nose, yours might be because of the straight legs, to mention a few, but my point is, this should not be a major criteria, like I tell people, if you are looking for the most beautiful girl in Lagos, you would never find, not to talk of the world, this is because beauty is endless, even the so called miss world, there is a village girl who is finer than she is, if you see an handsome guy or pretty lady this minute, just turn around, you would see a more beautiful one, if you are looking for the most beautiful, you might as well remain single for the rest of your life, another thing, beauty is deceptive, it covers so many bad features, and because of your “BEAUTY ULTIMATE SEARCH”, you have lost a jewel, if y6ou are truly looking for a good woman or man, beauty should not be the main thing, beauty is just a plus, after all it would fade one day, even chocolates have expiry dates.

All what am trying to bring out is, LOVE  is the utmost thing in a relationship, your partner should make you happy, it is quite different from you dating him/her to make you happy, your partner should be there emotionally, that doesn’t make them your ‘ sex slave’, you should gain from your spouse emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, it’s not just financially, your partner should add to you,  beauty is deceptive, there is one other thing I forgot to add, don’t go into a relationship to get over your ex, your partner didn’t know what happened between you and you ex, he/she shouldn’t pay for your past mistakes and pain. Get over your ex before entering a new relationship. Finally, LOVE SHOULD BE BASED ON NOTHING, SO THAT NOTHING CAN BREAK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 21 December 2013


p diddy christmas card children



Yes!, 2013 is over, we are so eager to wish ourselves merry Christmas and happy new year in advance, but looking back at the beginning of this same year, has it really being a good year??? Did you do anything new, or did you learn anything at all, did the year pass through you, or you just passed through the year, this is a food for thought!

I want to believe we all had resolutions at the beginning of this year, but the question is did you make your resolution come to reality?? Most of us just make resolutions for New year’s sake, and the farthest it can go is February, by then we would have forgotten about any sort of resolution made, till the following year again, and the cycle continues, this shouldn’t be!

I think some of the reasons we forget about or neglect our resolution is because of procrastination, this is common  among we Nigerians, we take everything for granted, this is a country African time is the order of the day, this mentality ruins so many things for us, if you have something you would like to start doing, the best time to start is now, at least build a foundation for it, it’s a stale saying, but we still don’t know it is a very powerful one, because it is the truest saying of all times, TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE!. Nobody at all, like I normally say, no time to check time, if you keep procrastinating, and telling yourself that at least I still have 365 days ahead of me, but do you know that 365 days is too short for those who know what they are doing, make use of the little time you have, life itself is just too short for you to waste any time or think you have many days ahead of you, says who?, I don’t mean to scare anybody but who says you would live to see tomorrow, this is just a fact, just like we wake up every day and we have it at the back of our mind that each day we are moving a step closer to our grave, that is the same way you make good use of the days left, those things you had in mind to do at the beginning of this year, START IT NOW!, though the year is almost over, but when you start now, there is a high probability that we would continue what we started this coming year.

Another reason people fail to bring our resolution to reality is lack of plan, most of us are too clumsy that we want to start several things at the same time, this is not good enough, at the end of it all, you would discover you have achieved nothing, take things one step at a time, make a plan for those things you want to do this coming year, if it is something you can start now, THEN START!. if  it is something you would start this coming year, make plans and arrangement for it, take a good look at those things that can hinder what you are about to do, if it is money, time , e t c, make provision for it as soon as possible, if it is an habit you want to stop, you can tell a friend to punish you anytime you do that thing, it might sound funny but it is true, if a friend knows you want to change a bad habit, a good friend would support you any way, also, if you want to cultivate the habit of doing something, you can set an alarm or reminder on your phone, for instance, if you want to be reading your bible thrice a week, make it easy for yourself, there is a way you can download bible on your cell phone, set a reminder, you would be surprised how far you have gone at the end of the year.

Don’t make resolutions you can’t bring to reality, make things easy for yourself and look for convenient ways to achieve your goals. I WISH YOU ALL A PROSPEROUS AND MEANINGFUL YEAR!*hugs and kisses*.    


There are few things that the opposite sex don’t know about the females, below are some of it;

SOMETIMES, GIRLS MEAN OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY SAY: Girls being complicated beings, sometimes they don’t mean what they say, a girl would tell you am okay, when she is definitely not , as a guy you should know she is expecting you to continue asking, girls can be very emotional and fragile that asking a question just once is not enough to show you care, when you ask a girl the question, how are you and she says am fine when she is obviously not, and you don’t push further, you might not be caring enough as far as she is concerned, also when it comes to buying things for a lady, at first, most ladies would say I am OK, I don’t want to eat for now ,this can happen maybe when she comes to pay a visit or on a first date, also, when you get her a gift and she rejects it, this usually happens when you and a lady are out on your first date, or you are getting her a gift for the first time, that doesn’t mean your next outing you should not order for anything, or ask her what she needs, the lady is just probably creating a good first impression!


CHANGES DURING MENSTRUAL FLOW: There are so  many changes that occurs during a girl’s menstrual flow, there are certain hormones associated with menstrual flow, even ladies can be ignorant of  such changes in themselves, only few knows that the way they act at some point is influenced by these hormones, in some relationships where the guy is in the medical line would understand this better, these changes can cause unnecessary aggressiveness, anger, moodiness and the likes, this sudden change of character could cause disagreement among couples, when you are aware of these things, you would know the cause of mood swings in ladies at some point. 


FEMALES WANT A GUY OTHER LADIES WANT; This might sound strange, but it is true, though most girls are jealous, but when the person you are about to date doesn’t attract anything except mosquitoes then, there is a problem, this is because questionable thoughts would come to a lady’s mind, the lady would think probably he has a disease, or doesn’t know how to relate with girls or even impotent, especially if the guy is quite old, girls want a man who knows fully well what a girl wants, who has heard close rapport with other ladies, not necessarily through dating , the fact is that  most girls don’t want to be used as an experiment,  they want experienced guys, I have seen cases of a guy of 29, who never had a girlfriend, because he is  shy, at the end he finally voiced out to one girl, and he couldn’t communicate  with the girl in a matured manner, he doesn’t know what to talk about on phone, who wants a guy who would call and at a point it becomes silent, who wants a guy you would begin a chat with hi, and end with k??? no body!, even guys don’t want such ladies. A good communication skill is very important

LADIES WANT A GUY THEY CAN BE PROUD OF: Every lady  wants  a guy who they can be proud to call their own in public, a guy who is sound and has purpose, a bright future and hardworking spirit. A lady wants a guy, that when she is with her friends, she can talk about what her boyfriend can do and has achieved, this is not really about money, it is about that special thing a guy  is good at, for example if he is a footballer, writer , singer and so on, a guy they can tell their friends, my boyfriend did that, that’s my boyfriend on stage, that’s whizkid on stage, lol, winks


LADIES WANT A GUY WHO KNOWS WHEN TO CARE AND GIVE SPACE: As I said earlier, females are complex beings, they expect you to know what they are not saying,  as a guy you should know when to give your girl space, and you should know when to show love and care, none of the two should be done in excess, we all know excess of everything is bad, I have seen many situations when a guy would say, what on earth does a girl want, I care for her, I show her love, what else, you want to know what else?? Have you tried giving her space?? Some guys are so obsessed and over protective, this is not necessarily a display of love, seriously it can be annoying, yeah! Yeah! It good to show care , It is very okay to call, but doing that can make a lady uncomfortable., and create the believe of lack of trust, it is not only care that strengthens a relationship, a little space also does, there are many other things going on in a girl’s mind than the relationship between you two, also you tend to lose your respect, the fact is at a point they can get tired of  hearing your voice, but just try it out, give a girl who  is already taking you for granted her space and you would see the difference, she is the one that would pick up the phone and call to ask,’ are we fighting?’, am sure many guys have had such experience, females are really strange, lol,  let me tell you a secret, reverse psychology goes a long way in getting to know more about  ladies.

LADIES WANT A MATURED AND DISCIPLINED GUY: Every lady wants a disciplined and matured guy, a guy who can make decisions and not go back on his words, the  act of responsibility and discipline would go a long way in creating a good picture of yourself as a guy, as people say, girls overthink and guys don’t think at all, the little information a girl find out about you goes a long way, any little mistake, what comes to a girls mind is, ‘is this the guy I would date?, not to talk of marry?, a guy who can’t make sound and reasonable decision, how would he manage the house’, this might be the first day of meeting with the girl, meanwhile you don’t know how far she has gone rating you in her mind, just like men want wife material, so does the lady knows WHAT SHE IS LOOKING FOR IN IN HER FUTURE HUSBAND.


LADIES WANT A GUY THAT CAN PROTECT THEM; a lady wants a guy that can protect her, this is one of the reasons ladies go for men with fierce physique, but this is not just about the physique, a lady wants a guy who is mentally strong, someone she can count on when she is emotionally down, and not a guy who is already an emotional wreck.

LADIES LIKE FUNNY GUYS; You might not notice, funny guys have their way around girls, be it ugly or fine, the fact that you have a good sense of humour ladies would naturally like you, this is because of how emotional ladies can be, they want a guy who they would never have a dull moment when they are with him, there are cases of  married women who married their husband  because he makes them laugh, I strongly believe in this expression that says, don’t give the chance to make another man make your lady laugh, as soon as your  woman/ lady finds you boring and there is a man giving her a reason to laugh, ‘ a real gobe is about to start’

 LADIES WANT A GUY THAT TAKES CARE OF HIS LOOKS:  Lastly, a lady wants a man who takes care of his looks, the way you are dressed will determine how you would be addressed any day, any time, no lady wants to go on a group date with a man who is not presentable, this is not about being fine, there is something we call ‘packaging’, you should have a good carriage that even the so called handsome guys would look at you and appreciate you. As a guy, neatness is very important, use of nice perfumes can give a very nice first impression.

As we can see I didn’t mention anything about money or great looks, this is to show you that there are far other things ladies look for in men, this mentality that if I have money I can get any girl is not totally right, may be you are right, but the question is, can your money keep the relationship??, As for you,  Mr handsome, some ladies have discovered  early  enough that in years to come, swags and looks won’t pay the bills and put food on the table, it what you can offer, what you can add to a lady that matters the most and not the looks! There are cases of rich and handsome men who lose their spouse to less rich and handsome men, now, I guess you know why, I am not saying that looks and money don’t matter, sure they do, but there are other things to work on as a guy to be a perfect spouse than your looks and money.

Tuesday 17 December 2013


oprah winfrey children

fame at its peak, busy things, babies come to Nigeria ooo, they don't need you very much over there, winks


monalisa chinda new boyfriend



Waje - December 2013 - BellaNaija




ou might be wondering where am heading to….”HYPE KEH” is what comes to mind. Yeah…if  I don’t hype myself, who will???? We all know the answer…but am not writing about dettol here! lol.. Am just trying to bring out a point. THAT BRINGS ME TO THE TOPIC, SELF ESTEEM.

SELF ESTEEM is a feeling of been happy with your own abilities .This is a topic common to all and sundry, its something we hear around.

There are 2 types of self esteem, we have the HIGH AND LOW SELF ESTEEM. I would say I fall under the category of the low self esteem. Hmmmmmm. Lets check out the 2 types.

HIGH SELF ESTEEM is a great feeling of happiness with your own abilities and character with the believe that you are perfect, never wrong and having the ability to see ourselves better than others even when they are doing better than we are. The people in this category are mostly choleric and sometimes sanguine. These category of people are less concerned about what you think or say about them. These are people who would use a Nokia 3310 and be confident to argue that their phone is better and of more advantage than an Ipad. surprised???? .this is to show how confident they are, believe you me sincerely, if you aren’t careful enough, you would buy their idea. It is very good to have a good self esteem because you would hardly see them brooding or worrying about what someone says because they care LESS, but they are good in hyping themselves, this is where I got my heading, now u understand that this isn’t a dettol advert .They are usually happy even though they have nothing, In the way they walk and talk, you would know this is not a person I can talk to just any  how, they have got the right “PACKAGING”, as we call it, that is CONFIDENCE!  There are some disadvantages of being in this category YEAH! I know the people in this category just rolled their eyes, lol. I caught you!

People in this category have higher tendencies of not moving forward because they don’t usually read meanings to things because they have a nonchalant attitude, therefore they over look things that could have given them direction in life, the moral lesson here is that NO MATTER HOW SILLY AN ADVISE CAN BE, IT CAN BE USEFUL AT A POINT IN YOUR LIFE. Another disadvantage is that, they tend to hurt the feelings of others unknowingly. Just cause you don’t want to look like a looser doesn’t mean you should make others look stupid. People in this category are less emotional and they don’t usually think of the effect of their words on others. who are the OTHERS am referring to??? That brings us to the 2nd type of self esteem.


LOW SELF ESTEEM. This is a very broad topic, I would say its like a deadly disease that you wouldn’t know you are infected with until you are diagnosed, it like a bug that stings. LOW SELF ESTEEM CAN KILL, YES! If its not curbed.

Low self esteem is a feeling of unhappiness with your own abilities and personality, to the extent of allowing the way others see you to determine the way YOU see yourself.

The unfortunate thing is that some don’t even know what a low self esteem is, some have the feeling that they are the only ones going through unnecessary sadness every time, some even think its spiritual,..isnt this ridiculous??? This is what causes suicide in many teens and young adults, as a teen and young adult, so many things are involved, that stage of your life, so many things are going on within you psychologically that you don’t even know of, let me tell you a fact, you are not in this alone, so many people have this “esteem disease”, but no one would tell you, I have a low self esteem, even your best friend.. The first point I want to make is that YOU ARE NOT IN THIS ALONE , most people have this mentality that nobody understands them, “its not something I can share”, then you go ahead to commit suicide, I tell you, that’s the dumbest thing you can ever think of. It is just like committing suicide because you have malaria, because the “esteem disease” is in most people, don’t be surprised that celebrities have this disease. The phlegmatic and the melancholy fall into this category.

There are several ways to know you have this “esteem disease”, as a girl or a lady, you look at the mirror carefully and you are happy with what you see, then on stepping out of your apartment, you meet a friend, in she says, ”Tania!!!, what have you done to yourself???, you look so fat, don’t you exercise at all??”, you know how those lousy friends can be, them immediately your mood changed throughout the whole day. You got to your place of work and u started digesting what you heard earlier, “hmmmm, maybe have actually added weight. Maybe that is why soji broke up with me, maybe I hate a lot of junks last month”, just imagine the things Tania thought of because of what her friend said, that is the “disease” for you, people in this category over-think, they read meaning to each word you tell them, the funny thing is, they hardly believe the sweet things said to them, as I stated earlier, what other people think of them, goes a loooooonnngggggg way. Unlike Tania, a high self esteem lady would have said something like this; “oh! It’s a sign of good living, lol, cant you see am fresher than you are, you better start eating right” you see for yourself the difference between the 2 ladies, what tanisa was brooding over is what another lady took as a joke and even heard the opportunity to advise the friend..you see, its your mentality that matters, you should be able to bring out positivism from negativism. This is a fact, YOU CAN CONTROL WHAT PEOPLE SAY, BUT YOU CAN CONTROL THE WAY YOU TAKE THINGS PEOPLE SAY, Definitely you cant hold your friend”s mouth or prevent him or her from talking, so the solution to the disease is THE RIGHT MIND.

Also, if you are the type that takes all advice, you might be suffering from the DISEASE. This is because, you should be able to think on your own and decide which advice to take, if not, that means you are letting others take decisions for you because you are afraid of FAILURE, the fear of failure is another way to know if you have the esteem disease.

Low self esteem can be linked to certain things;

It might be the type of family you were raised, maybe it’s a type of family who believes you are a failure when you get less than 100%. The children of a perfectionist usually have a low self esteem.

Likewise, if you are born into a family who do not always encourage or praise their wards for the little things they do right, then you might have the belief that you have never done anything right, all these go a long way in the life of children. I don’t want to believe the esteem disease is hereditary. SO PLEASE PARENTS, INCULCATE THE HABIT OF ENCOURAGING YOUR WARDS FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR FUTURE.


                                                     BY; SOTUNDE TAIWO.




A feeling that stings the soul,  shrinks the face, and gets the muscle worked up, sometimes I wonder where this feeling of anger comes from, is it from the heart?, or the brain?, or its just reflex. This same issue of anger had, is having and would always have a negative effect, but I really don’t think there is anything positive about anger. Just like a disease, anger takes longer time in some, than others, this makes the effect to vary among people. There are various reasons why people get angry, the earlier you discover the reason of your anger the higher the chances of maintaining it


One of the reasons why people get angry, is lack of self esteem,  a person with a low self esteem would see the negative side of anything being said, a funny joke can lead to something big with somebody with a low self esteem, because they think negatively of themselves, so they capitalize on what others say, also, the reason for anger could be the feeling of inadequacy, for example, an illiterate among many scholars, if the illiterate finds it difficult to understand what is being discussed by the scholars, he might get unnecessarily angry, thinking that the scholars are insulting him, the feeling of anger is common among the melancholy type of temperament, this is because the melancholy usually have mood swings that they can’t control themselves, if you just try to be too nice , funny or cheerful to a melancholy, especially when she is down, emotionally, she might not find your jokes funny at that time, and from there he\ she gets angry.


Anger, might not really be a bad thing if we are patient and we don’t talk, or act immediately or during the time we are angry, this is because, what is said most times can’t be retrieved, there are so many damages caused by anger.


Health wise, Anger increases the stress level in the body, we stress certain muscles when we are angry, when this stress level has reached its peak, it leads to diseases like, hypertension, stoke, and even death.

Also, when you get angry over what someone told you, you have simply taken responsibility for their stupidity (AKINGBADE IBIKUNLE TOLD ME THAT). Then I thought of it, should I have headache over something unreasonable, since what is being said is usually false. Also you have shown the person your weak point, from there, you have given the person the control over your emotions, he/she can decide to just get you angry anytime, since he/she knows what and how to say something that would make you flare up almost immediately,

Also, anger destroy relationships that could have lasted for decades, when you get angry, most of the times, you have probably misquoted the other person, I remember an instance when a friend of mine(Adebayo Olayinka) and I had a misunderstanding, I wasn’t in a good mood that day though, and we sort of argued about blogging, so at a point he said, “go and search for blogging  with blogger for dummies on Google” what came to my mind was, “so, you are trying to call me a dummy??,what nonsense” my finger was already on the remove button to remove him from my list, but something stopped me, then this came to my mind, “what if I need his help for something and he is the only one that can offer a solution, let me just leave him for future sake, mtcheewm, I won’t bother chatting with him” I didn’t for a second find out the meaning of what the guy said, after few minutes he sent a text “ are you angry??, blogging for dummies is to guide new bloggers” DAMN!!,after calling the guy several names, I was shocked and angry “ all these oyinbo sef, see the name they gave the stuff”, I dint know how to reply the guy, but at the end, we settled it, BUT I LEARNT SOMETHING,

This is what I learnt, anger can make you loose life time opportunities, friends, family, loved ones, because of something that is not an issue at all, to some, they have found out the truth, but they can’t bring themselves to apologize for misquoting the other person. NOW, THINK ABOUT IT, DO YOU THINK ITS RATIONAL TO LOOSE A FRIEND BECAUSE YOU HAVE ANGER MANAGEMENT  ISSUES, OR DOES IT WORTH IT FOR YOUR HEALTH TO BE AT RISK BECAUSE OF ANGER??, ARE YOU READY TO LET GO OF A RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE OF ANGER??? THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU GET ANGRY!!!

Monday 16 December 2013



Google here, Google there, what is this Google about anyways, Google is a medium through which almost everyone get information, It is the world’s most popular search engines via different paths. It’s a medium through which students find solution to their assignments and researches, but have you ever wondered where all this came from?


All these “Google miracles” prompted me to Google the people who invented Google, many of us don’t even bother to find out the people who made these awesome site, all we do is Google millions of things that seems difficult. Google was invented by 2 PhD.d students, LARRY PAGE AND SERGEY BRIN, while they were studying computer science at Stanford University of California. Then what came to my mind was, so they invented it while they were in school? So they were students like me and you .This means you aren’t too young to invent something

I also discovered that Larry page was born into the family of computer gurus, his father was a professor of computer science, that information drew my mind to this, his father was a professor in computer science, but it wasn’t stated that his father invented anything, definitely, Google, wasn’t a family thing, Larry came up with the idea himself, also, it thought me that it is not just a function of the level of degree you have, what matters is an innovative mind. Likewise Sergey Brin, his father was also a professor


In the year 1998, they formed a company called Google together, the name is a play on the word, GOOGOL, The term used to describe the number 1, followed by 100 zeros(10 raised to the power of 100). It was until the year 2004 that Brin and Page became billionaires. This is to show that Google became a success after series of hard work.


Their story should be an opener for us all, there is a creative ability in us all, this is not limited to those who are in the science line alone, this is about simple ideas you can conceive in your mind and the zeal to bring it to actuality. They were students like you, they were given birth to like you, they don’t have special brains, all this “Google magic” is a result of hard work and the utilization of their brains. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, BE INNOVATIVE!


Then I went ahead to search for where this Google gets its information?? Guess what??, uh, I can see you want to know, just like the way you run to Google every minute to give you answer to one thing or the other, NOW GO AND GOOGLE THAT, ITS AN ASSIGNMENT FROM ME TO YOU.




tiwa savage wedding photos



dbanj genevieve nnaji back together

ok, you will love me???? FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



wyclef jean in lagos nigeria


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Nadia Buhari and Jim Iyke engaged

nadia buari jim iyke engaged

Don moen and two face idibia kids

don moen 2face idibia kids

















WHAT AM I, ??  =

Saturday 14 December 2013


What is a talent?


ccording to the Oxford Learners Dictionary, ‘TALENT IS A NATURAL ABILITY TO DO SOMETHING WELL’ we can also say that talent is an inborn endowment that is peculiar to a particular person.

Through this explanation, we are able to understand the fact that talent is an ability and it is peculiar to a person; this means, there is nobody born without a talent because everyone is born with a purpose and with the ability to do something better than others. Therefore there should be nothing like, “I HAVE NO TALENT’’, the question is, ‘HAVE YOU TRIED TO DISCOVER YOUR TALENT?’

This is a question most of us can’t answer, we find it easy to say I have no talent because we are too lazy to discover it. I know we won’t believe this, but the truth is that, talent is best discovered when you are IDLE. Yes! Idle. The amazing thing is that you don’t force a talent out of yourself, because it comes very easy.

Many of us are too engrossed with our work, family, academics, and the likes that we don’t even have the time to meditate. Like I said earlier talent is best discovered when idle, reason being that, this is the time you want to engage in anything to keep yourself busy. Alas! That where am going, during that period you find yourself doing something, anything at all. For some people, they go out to play football, for some, to swim, etc. we discover that we do these things for fun but we don’t know we are building up a great talent, after a while, these activities become part of us and we get better day after day. This is one of the ways of discovering a talent.

Also, we can discover our talent by meditating. Doesn’t it sound easier than you thought? Yes! When some people are tensed or angry or even bored they love to go to an open place, or a quiet room. When you are bored, sometimes it doesn’t necessarily mean you need a friend around, you might just want to receive fresh air, that period you are out, you give your brain the opportunity to relax, while looking around, something might interest you. For instance,“E WA RA AKARA GBONA OO”; that’s an eleven year old girl hawking on the street is what comes to mind, WOW! What a beautiful garden or animal, WHERE IS THIS NOISE COMING FROM; it might be the noise of a woman shouting and assaulting her maid, from there you might have this strong will to write a poem about that beautiful garden or an article on child trafficking or a song.

These are things we wouldn’t have noticed on a normal day because of our busy schedule, there are many talents in humans waiting to be explored, there are people with 5 talents or more, this isn’t magic or that they are specially talented, No!, they have simply spent wise use of their time while you were busy playing video games and watching movies, remember an illustration in the Holy Bible about the 3 men that were given talents, 2 out of the 3 multiplied their talent while the other man hid his talent, through this story we can see that it is very possible to have more than a talent and it is also possible to add to your original talent depending on how dedicated you are. The actors you see today are people who discovered there talent early enough in life and by age 25, they are already superstars. Likewise the footballers, isn’t it obvious that those who play for under 17, discovered their talent very early enough. Also, you are never too old to go after your dreams, as long as you are still living. This is to let you know that age is not a barrier to start discovering your talent(s). ‘THE JOURNEY OF A THOUSAND MILES START WITH A STEP’.


  Also, nothing is so irrelevant to be a talent, there are thousands of talents out there; singing, writing, dancing, photography, acting, motivational speaking, football, sewing and lots more, don’t be surprised cooking is also a talent, YEAH! WHY NOT? There are people who earn a living by cooking for people, there are professional cooks, chefs, everywhere, this is because they have a natural ability to cook better than others, haven’t you even seen people who derive joy in cooking for others???? THAT’S IT! You can create professionalism out of nothing. DISCOVET YOUR TALENT TODAY AND MAKE THE SKY YOUR STEPPING STONE.




Things have totally taken a different dimension nowadays, unlike the way it was, years back.You call it CIVILIZATION, i call it plain MADNESS.

Now, we are in a world, where nude pictures have the greatest number of likes  on  facebook,  where the picture of Jesus, has just few number of likes.
A world where pastors now take all the GLORY AND HONOR, A world where musicians have become sex educators, and pastors have made churches business oriented, A world where pastors own the most expensive universities in the country, and leaving the children of the poor to suffer.THE EDUCATIONAL SECTOR IS POOR BECAUSE THE SO CALLED BILLIONAIRES ARE NOT HUMANITARIANS, THEY ARE AFTER THEIR OWN POCKET,please don't blame the government,  ask yourself, " WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MAKE A CHANGE"

A world where you have to be threatened to share a post about JESUS. for instance, JESUS IS OMNIPOTENT, CLICK ON SHARE IF YOU WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN. hmmm, was it ever written in the bible to say such???,  isn't it ridiculous????,when meaningless post are shared by so many, how could the spreading of the gospel be so difficult???.

This is a world where people like to refer to themselves as " BADOO, BAD GIRL, BADDEST GUY", and the likes, a world where you call a  guy a GOOD BOY for doing a great job,but he would prefer you, telling him,"BRO, YOU BAD OOO".

A world, where a girl wants to be called HOT, instead of pretty, HELL IS TRULY HOT!!!, A  WORLD where celebrities have to act blue films to gain more popularity, HABBA, WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED????, A world where a video would not be complete without spicing it up with half naked girls,hmmm, girls can be gullible, you are being used, and you think you are getting popular, CHEAP POPULARITY, YOU ARE A DISGRACE!!!!!!you better go and learn a trade.



Dear Ex,
              I hope you have being good, oh!, who cares, just kidding, I care, NOT JUST LIKE BEFORE.Am writing to let you know how far i have moved on without you.

             Thinking of those days when i thought i coudnt do anything without you and always thinking of getting you back by all means, now i just want you to know that i am so through with that.Now i have grown to understand that there is a reason why some people dont make it to our future, but such people are like catalyst to our developmennt.
              I have engaged in so many things and i am happy i am fulfilling my purpose, I have done alot of things after our break up, that it seems it was an eye opener and a blessing in disguise for me.I hope you aren't where i left you, because as for me, I have reallyyyyyyyy moved on, and i believe whoever would have me as a spouse is going to have a plus to his life.
              Thanks for everything, i still cherish the times we shared.

                                                                           Yours Sincerely,
                                                                           (( WHAT WERE YOU THINKING)),hahaha


Dearie, you have to move on, develop yourself, a guy in your life is just a plus, you are made complete by God. discover who you are in this life, and let THE GREATEST MISTAKE OF YOUR BE THE MISTAKE OF LOOSING YOU, YES YOU!!!!


Back in the days
When you listened to all what MOM says

Facing life like its a joke
Nothing was too hard to be called a yoke

When there was nothing bad in playing outside naked
But now all the memories look faded

Who doesn't remember the X and O game
playing it now is like a shame

I wish life has a remote control
Where all these memories can be scrolled

Times when mum was our closest friend
But now, she is just needed to mend

Times when putting on christmas dress was the most exciting thing
But now, its just a normal thing

Those times when the first day in secondary school was a day of anxiety
But now, its all memory

I know you miss those days



§  DELETE THE FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN; Most people have the fear of failure even before starting anything at all, there is this belief of inadequacy. Fear goes a long way in building a negative thought which can destroy your dreams from the onset. Cultivate the habit of thinking positively, if you can imagine it, you can dream it, if you can dream it, you can do it, if you can do it, you can achieve it. Get an amazing picture of what you want for yourself in your mind, keep dreaming, don’t stop achieving!!!!


§  ASSOCIATE WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE: I believe that the saying “SHOW ME YOUR FRIEND AND I WOULD TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE’’ is applicable in this context . If the people around you are the kind of people who don’t believe in their goals, people who don’t know how to make things happen, they would surely discourage you from doing your thing, personally, with certain friends I know how far I have gone, and with others, I know how they have helped to discourage me, you are all appreciated. Sometimes, it might be intentional, some friends just don’t want you to grow and to achieve great things because they can’t do what you can do, while others are just care free, and they prefer to make fun of something instead of appreciating it, either ways, surround yourself with people who have better understanding about goals and how to achieve it, DON LET ANYONE STOP YOUR SHINE.



§  GET A ROLE MODEL: Everyone should have a role model, someone you can look up to. To achieve something great in life, and to maintain the zeal to pursue your dreams, you must have a role model, some people have the belief that why should I have a role model?? I don’t want to be like anyone, I love this kind of thought, but the fact is making someone a role model doesn’t mean you want to make them a small god, it just means you would have the clear image of what you want to be like, also it would reduce the fear of not being accepted or not making it, for instance, my role model is oprah winfrey, now, I have a picture of some things in mind, if oprah can do it, I CAN DO IT!!, That’s a great feeling that can keep you going. WHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL??????


§  LET PEOPLE GIVE YOU A FEEDBACK: As you begin something, may be you are a writer, you can give a lecturer, an aunt, your dad or even a friend your write up to tell you where you are missing it, the things you didn’t include, and the likes, also you would be encouraged, but don’t be surprised, some would only tell you about your mistakes, and won’t bother to appreciate your effort, that doesn’t mean you are a failure, some people are just not good at appreciating others, why not look at it from this perspective, the mistakes pointed out are the things you should focus on, they would bring out the best in you. Receive your feed back with an open mind, JUST DO THE ADJUSMENT!!!!



§  IT NOT ALL ABOUT MONEY: IF YOU ARE JUST STARTING A BUSINESS OR YOU ARE AN UPCOMING ARTIST, THIS CHAPTER IS FOR YOU, most people just want to make fast money, it’s a stale gist to say nothing comes easy, we all know that, it takes perseverance and hard work to win the race of life, all those celebrities we see didn’t just stat making money, we had stories of these celebrities who do free shows, for some, no body showed up on their first show. That means they must have spent money in organizing the show, so, no body showing up is just a great loss, a Yoruba adage goes thus, “ OWO LA FI MA N WA OWO”, this simply means, to get money, you must also be ready to give. Money is the OBJECTIVE, and not the PRIORITY!!!


                                                          STAY FOCUSED