Wednesday 27 November 2013


I want to belive that every one is a writer, as long as we update statuses on on social networks, and and at one time or the other, people have liked or commented on our status updates. this is to show that, what we update can influence other people's thinking in one way or the other, therefore ,whatever we update should be something beneficial to others because you never can tell the extent at which you have helped someone, their are situations you see a status, and that is exactly what's going on in your mind.

I want to believe, that ther is no one who has being on a social network for over 2years, and frequently update staus, that his or her status has never been liked or commented on, if so, if symptoms persist  after a year, visit the psychologist near you, lol, just kidding.

I also want to believe someone is about to like this update, *winks*. 


  1. Nice one there but I'l advise ya to always go over wat U've written b4 postin it online...

  2. LOL...God bless ur hands sweetheart.
