Wednesday 27 November 2013


EDUCATION is meant for MAN, and not man for education, but MAN IS MADE FOR A PURPOSE. That purpose is your reason for being here on earth, probably that is the reason you are still alive.
That purpose should be your priority, because, after you might have graduated, or  through with your Ph.d,if you are not working in line with your purpose in life, you are as worse as ASUU AND FG. YOU are the architect of your own future, NO BODY IS, Your purpose is not attached to formal education. YOU ARE A SHINING STAR, YOU SHOULD SHINE SO BRIGHT THAT OBSTACLES WOULD FIND THIER WAY.
NB: I am not against formal education but don't waste precious moment of your life, ASUU is not an excuse to be idle, it is not too early or too late to discover your purpose, THER IS A SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS, AND THAT SHORT CUT IS YOU, THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX AND LEAVING YOUR COMFORT ZONE.


I want to belive that every one is a writer, as long as we update statuses on on social networks, and and at one time or the other, people have liked or commented on our status updates. this is to show that, what we update can influence other people's thinking in one way or the other, therefore ,whatever we update should be something beneficial to others because you never can tell the extent at which you have helped someone, their are situations you see a status, and that is exactly what's going on in your mind.

I want to believe, that ther is no one who has being on a social network for over 2years, and frequently update staus, that his or her status has never been liked or commented on, if so, if symptoms persist  after a year, visit the psychologist near you, lol, just kidding.

I also want to believe someone is about to like this update, *winks*.